Friday, February 25, 2005

Sunday School, 2/27

As I'm on call once again this Sunday, here are the plans for class this week.

As I said, due to snow storms and frequently being on call, there was much we didn't cover that I would have liked to spent time on (especially Aquinas and other medieval theologians). Hopefully our last class about returning to classical ecumenical Christian theology as a possible unifying point in the Protestant circus will inspire you to check the websites on the right to learn more.

Since I'm not sure I'll be able to teach another quarter after this coming one (March-May), I think it's important that we get to the Reformation and beyond starting in March. So this coming week, the last Sunday of this winter quarter, I will have you watch part of Christianity: The Second Thousand Years which will fill you in on some of the history we were unable to cover and hopefully give us historical perspective for the Reformation.

I'm not on call for any weekends in March, so we'll be able to spend a good four solid weeks on the Reformation without any interruptions.