Sunday, December 26, 2004

Singing from the Gnostic Hymnal

Below you will find a link to an article excerpted from Michael Horton's excellent book, In the Face of God. Taking a look at the songs we sing on Sunday morning, Horton illustrates one of the many ways that the old gnostic influence has crept into today's evangelical church.

Are Your Hymns Too Spiritual?

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Reading for 1/2/05

This week's reading consists of two simple, brief paragraphs reflecting opposing views on how to the early Christians used philosophy in evangelism. Rather than direct you to links, they are found here in this post.

The first reading comes from Clement of Alexandria, who wrote in the late second century:

Accordingly, before the advent of the Lord, philosophy was necessary to the Greeks for righteousness. And now it becomes conducive to piety; being a kind of preparatory training to those who attain to faith through demonstration. "For thy foot," it is said, "will not stumble, if thou refer what is good, whether belonging to the Greeks or to us, to Providence." For God is the cause of all good things; but of some primarily, as of the Old and the New Testament; and of others by consequence, as philosophy. Perchance, too, philosophy was given to the Greeks directly and primarily, till the Lord should call the Greeks. For this was a schoolmaster to bring "the Hellenic mind," as the law, the Hebrews, "to Christ." Philosophy, therefore, was a preparation, paving the way for him who is perfected in Christ. (Miscellanies, I.v.28)

The second comes from Tertullian, with whom we'll hopefully be spending some extra time next week:

These are "the doctrines" of men and "of demons" produced for itching ears of the spirit of this world's wisdom: this the Lord called "foolishness," and "chose the foolish things of the world" to confound even philosophy itself. For (philosophy) it is which is the material of the world's wisdom, the rash interpreter of the nature and the dispensation of God. Indeed heresies are themselves instigated by philosophy. From this source came the AEons, and I known not what infinite forms, and the trinity of man in the system of Valentinus, who was of Plato's school. From the same source came Marcion's better god, with all his tranquillity; he came of the Stoics. Then, again, the opinion that the soul dies is held by the Epicureans; while the denial of the restoration of the body is taken from the aggregate school of all the philosophers; also, when matter is made equal to God, then you have the teaching of Zeno; and when any doctrine is alleged touching a god of fire, then Heraclitus comes in. The same subject-matter is discussed over and over again by the heretics and the philosophers; the same arguments are involved. Whence comes evil? Why is it permitted? What is the origin of man? and in what way does he come? ... What indeed has Athens to do with Jerusalem? What concord is there between the Academy and the Church? what between heretics and Christians? Our instruction comes from "the porch of Solomon," who had himself taught that "the Lord should be sought in simplicity of heart." Away with all attempts to produce a mottled Christianity of Stoic, Platonic, and dialectic composition! We want no curious disputation after possessing Christ Jesus, no inquisition after enjoying the gospel! With our faith, we desire no further belief. For this is our palmary faith, that there is nothing which we ought to believe besides. (The Prescription Against Heretics, chapter 7)

Also read:
Acts 17:16-34
1 Corinthians 1:18-2:4

Thursday, December 23, 2004

This Week's Class

I know that everyone's doing last minute Christmas stuff and that this weekend will by no means involve the reading of the Gospel of Thomas, even if you haven't done so by now. If you do happen to be reading this, please print out a copy and bring it, because we'll focus right in on the text itself this week in class. Have an incredible Christmas, and I'll see you Sunday morning.

Reading for Class

From now on, all reading assignments for class will be found in the column on the right, under the "Reading Assignments" heading. The date on each link is the date the document should be read by.

One Final (but important) change

I have decided to make one final change to the blogs. From now on, will be the url for "A Resting Place," since that is more my personal blog, while will be the url for "A Fool's Hope," since that is my teaching blog. You'll see the changes reflected in the links.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Welcome, Friends

Having noticed that I was too quickly filling up the "Resting Place" blog with Sunday School info and my own personal rantings, I decided to split the two. This will now be the official site of my West Middlebury Baptist Church Sunday School class. This will limit confusion on the "Resting Place" blog as well as allow me to develop more in-depth commentary on the Sunday School materials we are reading.

Keep checking back, as I will be updating the page frequently over the next several days, adding links relevant to our current Sunday School Class, which is "Historical Theology: The Early Church Fathers."