Sunday, March 06, 2005

Welcome to Reformation, Revival, and the Modern Era

Welcome, all, to our Spring Sunday School quarter. We're starting right off with a month on the Reformation. We'll spend the second month on the two Great Awakenings, and then the third on the last century and current issues. We'll be covering just a broad overview of what has transpired, and we will dig deep into some of the main characters (Calvin, Luther, Edwards, etc.).

I'll try to provide links for areas of interest that will not be covered.

Keep an eye on the right hand column of this blog - there you'll find reading assignments for the week with their due date. Please read these, print them out, and bring them to class each week. I do not assign unreasonable amounts to read, and the class information will be greatly helped if you come having read the assignment. I'm looking forward to spending this quarter with you!